Charlie Chikankata has a lot to answer for! Here I am in the heart of rural Zambia, working for The Salvation Army as the Manager/Hospital Administrator of Chikankata Health Services. Not so much an intellectuall reflection rather a kind of journal of the unexpected.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


The not good side:

1. Heidie has malaria at the moment (this is the 3rd time in just over a year)

2. It's that time of the month where I have to start wheeling and dealing to pay salaries again. I really hate that Chikankata struggles so much financially. I might get into trouble (again!) for saying this but I really think TSA and the government should some how provide more direct support to the hospital. If you need money for a women's empowerment project or a gender and human rights workishop it's no problem (no disrespect to this - it was just the first things that came to my head - women's empowerment is important - I'm all new man, Sweetheart). If you want money for the running costs of a hospital - you have to go begging or you've got to go without!

3. I'm knackered!

4. Capt Hachitapika left today and flies to London tomorrow. I don't mind admitting I am going to miss her and I actually feel quite sad.

5. The blooming power cuts are getting ridiculous.

The good side:

1. Two new doctors arrived over the weekend - 1 from Zambia, 1 from Sweden. We should be sorted now for the time being!

2. Chikankata has survived a pretty rough time over the last year and I am now beginning to feel there is light at the end at the tunnel

3. We heard my namesake Charles, got engaged today! About flaming time too.

4. Going to London is such an excellent opportunity for her and her family. They will do well there and IHQ are really fortunate to be able to call on such people.

5. We received a video tape from John at Exeter, with my parents on it (Thanks John!) and a CD from Chelmsford Songster. We are continually reminded that people are thinking about us and feel humbled!

Oh well!


Blogger The Smiths said...

Cheer up big man! At least the Saints are in the SPL and the shrimpers are in the Championship!

6:11 pm

Blogger Graeme Smith said...

Sorry to hear about the problems Richard, but its good to know that you can see through them to positive things as well!

The fundraising thing is something that we struggle with all the time. People are always willing to give to "projects" but its tough to fight for "day to day" expenses. Admittedly that is what the government is for, but in many situations they just don't have the funds to go around.

On another point Zoe was talking to her Mum earlier in the week and your name came up as she was at something your Mum was doing about your work! There are many who think and pray for you often, so keep up the good work.

8:35 am

Blogger Jesper Lekdorf said...

Hi Richard,
I hope you are well
I’m Jesper one of the two Danish med. students arriving at Chikankata in the beginning of September. We are really looking foreward to our stay. We will arrive at Lusaka the 5th of September 2 p.m.
I’ve got a couple of practical questions that I hope you can answer for us.
How long does the transport take from Lusaka to Chikankata. Would it be best to stay the night in Lusaka and the leave for Chikankata early in the morning the 6th. And how do we get there, by bus or train ?
We are bringing some medical equipment some surgical sutures and stuff. Do you have any use of that, or do you need something special we should try to provide ?
How about clothing what should we wear at the hospital ?
Do you have a contact number so we can get a hold of you when w eget to Zambia – just in case !
If you can think of anything we should know/do when we are in Denmark or anything you would like us to bring for you or your wife – a Coke maybe ☺ please let me know !
It’s been great reading your weblog nice to get an idea on how life is at Chikankata.
I’ve sent a copy of this letter to your mail as well. and

My mail is


11:18 am


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