Charlie Chikankata has a lot to answer for! Here I am in the heart of rural Zambia, working for The Salvation Army as the Manager/Hospital Administrator of Chikankata Health Services. Not so much an intellectuall reflection rather a kind of journal of the unexpected.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I have too many things to write about Sunday, here's a few highlights (or lowlights - as the case may be);
1. I made my debut with the Zambian Staff Band (it's actually called the Zambian Territorial Band but ZSB sounds more impressive). So the first conversation goes something like this....
ZSB B/M: Can you help us out on trombone this Sunday morning?
Me: No problem, what time does the meeting start?
ZSB B/M: At 10 o'clock
Me (thinking we would be playing some pre-meeting music or gathering together for a time of prayer): So what time should I get there for?
ZSB B/M: 10:15 is fine.
Zambian time is legendary.
2. Mr. Kailichi, Headmaster at Chikankata High School, retires in two weeks time. He has served the school for 33 years, 20 years of that has been as Headmaster. That man deserves as medal and should be admitted to the Order of the Founder straight away. 20 years leading a public institution in Zambia, while at the same time keeping up the standards as high as he has done is an achievement beyond words. A service was held on Sunday at the High School in the afternoon to mark his retirment.
Mr. Kailichi is a Chikankata legend
3. For the first time on Sunday, I felt in danger. Three men were brought to the hospital, all of them carrying guns (rifles). It appears they had stolen a vehicle and it had overturned. We knew they were on the way as they had pulled over another driver and ordered him to drive to the hospital. He had phoned ahead to advise. One man was injured badly, the other two started threatening anybody and everybody. Msyelf and Capt. Angela were reasoning with them about bringing guns into the hospital but they were having none of it. We kept things calm and eventually the police came and sorted the problem out. It was not a nice experience.
4. The service on Sunday morning lasted almost 5 hours!!! That will last us in meeting time for the whole of June.


Blogger nick said...

the 5 hour meeting sounds as scary as the three blokes with weapons!

glad you survived (both!), thanks for the anniversary text - it was much appreciated by mr & mrs hanover!

10:20 pm


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