Charlie Chikankata has a lot to answer for! Here I am in the heart of rural Zambia, working for The Salvation Army as the Manager/Hospital Administrator of Chikankata Health Services. Not so much an intellectuall reflection rather a kind of journal of the unexpected.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


In this period in the UK and the western world, many of the churches are focusing on Harvest Festival. I have been reading and listening to various excerpts on Leviticus 19 (and in particular v9&10). It seems that the Old T. Law made it clear in this passage that we are to give a portion of the harvest, (whether good or bad) to the poor. The margins of our fields as supposed to be left for the poor to harvest each year. I have thought about the times in my life where I have not left any room in my fields or my finances for giving a portion to the poor. This is not because I can’t, it is because I chose other options instead. I do not leave any room in my finances to leave money to the poor

From my experiences, the poor are some of the hardest working people in the world –they have to be in order to eat or send their children to school. I am working less and earning more but not showing how blessed I am by giving a portion back to those in need. I choose an extra CD or a book or a meal out, when often they are things I don’t really need. The marginal things; things that make the margins of my field smaller for the poor to harvest. I am rethinking this as a result.

I also think about the times I just give money or things to people. Without sounding self-righteous, I have always believed that giving money means nothing, if the poor people in our area, in our community, in our church don’t even know who we are. A sacrificial offering, which as a Christian I am supposed to give is something I have to invest time and effort in, a donation I just give without thinking or getting involved. Paul Scanlon wrote that “Christian are God’s compensation for the poor in the world we live in”. What kind of compensation I am?

All good gifts around us
Are sent from heaven above
So thank the Lord, thank the Lord
For all his love.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Today was Luke's birthday. He is the greatest gift I have ever been given and I love him to bits.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

One of my favourite days of the year!!

Each year the hospital holds a camp for Orphans and Vulnerable Children high in the hills of Mabetubwa. It's such an fantastic experience. I wish I could take all my friends there to see this beautiful place. The setting is beautiful, the staff are beautiful, the children are beautiful and the purpose is beautiful.It's a place when children are valued. It's a place where children get 3 hot meals a day. It's place where children are shown a bit of love and attention. It's a place where children can share their grief and problems. It's a place where children can have fun. It's a place where children can be, well children.

The general pattern is that in the morning there is some sort of exercise, which is the aimed at getting the children to open up about their experiences and processing some of their thoughts and feelings. This is followed by a fun activity in the afternoon. Heidie had a go at the Trust game that the children were doing the day we were there.

"I tell you whatever you did for one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did for me" Jesus

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