Catch-up Time

It's been a while since I posted properly. Lots of things have happened during the week or so. Firstly four of our staff went to the UK to represent the Hospital at a number of events, including the SW Division Congress. Heidie and I were extremely humbled by a number of things about our trip to the airport. None of them had ever flown before so just getting them through to the Departure Lounge was a big undertaking. Chrispine had never even been in a lift before. Reports reaching us are telling us how well they are representing the Hospital and The Salvation Army in Zambia.
The pram has become almost unemployed already as Heidie has discovered the benefits of the simple Chitenge. Here is Heidie getting ready to go to the meeting in Lusaka on Sunday. It's like Luke just falls asleep everytime he goes in it. We pay all this money for all these fancy contraptions, when a piece of cloth does the trick. Have we overcomplicated things in the West I wonder?!
Great day at the Commissioning Ceremony of the God's Fellow Workers Session in Mulungushi Centre, Lusaka. Highlight of the day was when a newly commissioned officer jumped up and down so much and danced and whooped when his fellow cadet and the lady he is marrying next Saturday was appointed to the same corps as him in Choma. It was like he thought she was going to be appointed somewhere else or indeed, maybe he was just happy. It was a great sight whatever the reason.
Luke obviously enjoyed his first SA meeting, as he was all smiles at lunchtime
Finally, not often I say this but what a great day for the Administration of Chikankata Hospital. Today we collected the audited accounts for 2006. Nothing unusual you may say. However for us it was special. when we arrived in 2005 we had to close off the books for 2000-2004 just to get the opening balance. In other words the books were a complete and utter disaster. The last Auditors who came in 2002, just simply walked away saying our books were completely unauditable. Today I am happy for this is the first proper audit for 7 years. This has been such hard work but today when we signed and received the document, with no qualifications I hasten to add, it was such a releif and a good feeling. To most people this will mean nothing but to Heidie and me it's about trying to do things right. Well done to my Accounts Team.