Charlie Chikankata has a lot to answer for! Here I am in the heart of rural Zambia, working for The Salvation Army as the Manager/Hospital Administrator of Chikankata Health Services. Not so much an intellectuall reflection rather a kind of journal of the unexpected.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

100 Not out!

This is my 100 post and as I write I am waiting for the police to arrive as we have a man running round the Mission with a gun. Witchcraft is a terrible thing and really scares people and now it seems that a relative to one of our patients has been doing some of the funny stuff with charms and powder within the Hospital. Understandably other family members are not too happy (putting it midly!) and so are searching for the budding Harry Potter with their weapons. The staff are very tense but we can only wait. The funny thing is that if you want the police to come you have to go and pick them up. With the nearest town over an hour away, we generally have to deal with such emergencies ourselves. I'll let you know how things work out!

Chikankata is never a dull place that's for sure. With the recent riots at the High School again linked with a rumour related to witchcraft, I am more convinced than ever that if the Salvation Army were not in this place, this would be a very dangerous, voilent and fearful part of Zambia. At least with a Christian Hospital there is a chance for proper healing without having to resort to witchcraft and traditional healers.

Yesterday, we were saddened to learn of the death of Major Milambo. The Major was in the Mission when we arrived and was a very strong man. He helped and protected us tremendously during those first few difficult months. We will be attending the burial on Monday in Central Province.

On a brighter note, Mrs. Ellie Kalichi (see picture below - Mrs Kalichi, me and Heidie, Dr. Kaile and some kid!) has been officially 'gazzetted' as Cheif Mweenda and will be installed into her position on 31st August. It has taken her a while to shake off the legal challenges to her ascension to the royal throne but everything is now clear for her to take up this role. I wonder if there is any other place in the world where the Salvation Army someone working for them who is officially to be addressed as Her Royal Highness.


Blogger John said...

Congratulations my friend, I really enjoy reading about your work, be assured of my prayers every day.

Be encouraged!

2:08 am

Blogger Nathan said...

When you say Major Milambo, do you mean Jericho's father?

3:04 am

Blogger shunter said...

lawless chaps running round with shooters,must take you back to your youth in Govan!!
thinking of you chaps and praying for you both.
take care

9:21 pm

Blogger Johnny said...

You have my prayers, guys.

3:54 pm


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