Charlie Chikankata has a lot to answer for! Here I am in the heart of rural Zambia, working for The Salvation Army as the Manager/Hospital Administrator of Chikankata Health Services. Not so much an intellectuall reflection rather a kind of journal of the unexpected.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The one that did not get away!

There are so many different adventures and issues at the hospital and Zambia in general that I am finding hard to be selective in what I write. So forget about being caught in a full scale riot in Lusaka on Sunday, forget about Chikankata being reclassified and upgraded to a Level 2 Hospital once again due to the progress, forget about all the financial hassles, forget the building work that is going well, forget the elections in Zambia, forget that the rain storms have come early and everyone is in a state of panic because they haven't planted their maize, forget that we have had to live and work without electricity and water from Saturday afternoon until Tuesday afernoon - look at the snake that we killed in our garden yesterday.

Now I know the Bradbury's can be prone to a little exaggeration from time to time - but this was a truly huge snake! It must have been 4 foot long. We've have recently switched houses (long story!) and we have been clearing out the debris round the bannana tress in our new garden. It seems that this snake enjoyed the warmth of the setting of being hidden in the mound of leaves and other things. Whilst I would love to write I slaughtered this spitting adder myself, I have to confess that Bright, the man who looks after our garden was the hero.
ps. This is a very very rare occurance - this is only the 2nd snake I've seen in Zambia - for anyone who is planning to visit
pps I haven't told Heidie about this little incident yet - she'd totally freak out. This is strictly between me and you!


Blogger nick said...

I'll not say anything to Heidie, if you don't mention it to Lisa?!

Steve Urwin lives!! Mind you, I don't suppose he was keen on killing things?! Still, as long as you deep fried it a la Mars Bar stylee!

ps. go on the Tartan Army! Bring on the Macedonians!

11:55 pm


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