Charlie Chikankata has a lot to answer for! Here I am in the heart of rural Zambia, working for The Salvation Army as the Manager/Hospital Administrator of Chikankata Health Services. Not so much an intellectuall reflection rather a kind of journal of the unexpected.

Monday, March 27, 2006

At church today, the sermon took the shape of a discussion session on a cultural issue that often conflicts with Christian beliefs. The question to be debated; when we go to funerals at Chikankata should we eat the meat from the first animal that is slaughtered. At Zambia funerals the cultural practice is to offer the first chicken, goat or cow as some sort of sacrifice in memory of the person that has died; the animal is slaughtered in public. The bible reading was 1 Corinthian chapter 8.

Some of the views expressed at Church included;

We should eat the mean as the sacrificial slaughter has no meaning to Christians

By eating such meat, we are encouraging others to be part of/continue such ceremonies

If we eat the meat, this then implies we are agreeing with this ritual

The bible says we should not eat any meat from sacrificial offering (Acts 15 v 20)

To eat any sort of meat from a sacrificial slaughter is disrespectful to Jesus and what he did for us, as his was the ultimate sacrifice meaning we do not need to undertake such ceremonies;

It is a matter for personal conscience; an individual decision once the matter has been given prayerful consideration

It was an interesting subject and one which we did not consider regularly at Falkirk. Heidie wondered whether other controversial, cultural beliefs would be considered in terms of what the bible says. It’s is fair to say she is irritated (putting it mildly!) that it appears acceptable to be a Christian and a Salvationist and have two or more wives. Anyway the meeting lasted for three and a half hours too.


Blogger Graeme Smith said...

Hi Richard

Just discovered this blog and wanted to say hi from still slightly snowy Latvia! Hope you and Heidie are well!

Sounds like a very interesting meeting you had yesterday!


10:09 pm

Blogger Naomi said...

Hi Charlie,

Just found your blog via urbanarmy. Wow! I'm intrigued.

12:20 am

Blogger The Smiths said...

Since when did you start listening to sermons big man?

2:00 pm


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