Charlie Chikankata has a lot to answer for! Here I am in the heart of rural Zambia, working for The Salvation Army as the Manager/Hospital Administrator of Chikankata Health Services. Not so much an intellectuall reflection rather a kind of journal of the unexpected.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Highlight of the week for me was on Saturday. Each month we have a shopping trip to Lusaka. Here we basically have to buy our groceries for the month (my worst nightmare). As we were driving home we drove over the bridge spanning the Kafue River. We saw huge herd of hippos. I thought to myself that I don't reckon that's going to happen as we drive home from Tescos or Sainsbury's when we are back in the UK in a few months.

Luke (now generally known as Luka, as is the Tonga pronounciation) is getting longer by the day and is now beginning to sleep through the night till about 5am. Hallelujah, Praise the Lord. I have had two long sleeps this weekend

And then there's Ronaldo. I've noticed that it is a trend among some bloggers to list the books they've read during the previous year so I have decided to do something similar

Books Ronaldo has eaten during 2007

Imitations of Christ - Thomas a Kempis
Revelations - New King James Version
Never Admit to Biege - Jonathan Drape
Last 2 chapters of Revelation - New International Version
Others - Chick Yuill

Quite an impressive list, I'm sure you'll agree.
This week Ronaldo has also attended prayers twice, a talk on Home Based Care, a meeting about the future of our ART (HIV/AIDS) clinic and attended the Holiness meeting today. It's like she knows she belongs to me and feels like she can do whatever she likes and go wherever she wants. And everyone encourages her! She is such a great dog and Heidie is already thinking of ways to bring her back to UK in May.


Blogger jsi said...

Not everyone encounters a herd of hippos as traffic - too cool!
A month's worth of graceries demands a very systemized rationed idea of everything you may need. Are you able to use a garden?
Books the dog has eaten - what a riot!
You all are working hard - Luke is growing magnificently!

12:21 pm

Blogger Johnny said...

That's definitely quite a pile of books to get through!!! :-))))

12:54 am

Blogger Rochelle said...

I love this photo!!! :) Thanks for mentioning us on your blog, and for the solidarity around the theme verse. I hope we'll get to see you before you go - keep us posted. We miss you!

8:53 am


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