Charlie Chikankata has a lot to answer for! Here I am in the heart of rural Zambia, working for The Salvation Army as the Manager/Hospital Administrator of Chikankata Health Services. Not so much an intellectuall reflection rather a kind of journal of the unexpected.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Oh the Grand old Duke of York!

I seem to be living in a parallel world at the moment. On the one hand I am loving being a father and spending time with my wee boy. He's a lively fella and keeps us entertained and occupied already. It is 9am in the morning and I am already on my 3rd t-shirt (one poo, one vom!) Loving it! I am also very proud of Heidie who has basically recovered from a C-Section by General Anaethestic with only Paracetomel, as some of the other painkilling drugs are not available. We are very happy as a family. She's a star. She's my star!
On the other hand, I'm tired in my work. I'm tired of struggling. Tired of having no money and having to balance things around. Tired of bills and debt. Tired that things don't work smoothly. Tired that things are ten times as much effort here than back home. Tired of being 'on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Tired that people blame me when things are not right when their departments are not exactly perfect. Tired and frustrated because people are just too relaxed. Tired of inefficiency. Tired of corruption. Tired of not having running water in my house. Tired of feeling unsupported. Tired of electricity cuts. Tired of the politics within Chikankata and The Salvation Army. Tired of inequality and injustice across the world and the church. Tired that most people only show their true capabilities when its important and not on the everyday matters. Tired of robbing Peter to pay Paul. Just tired and lacking in a bit of motivation at the minute.

Yet I am acutely aware that the things I am tired of are the day in day realities for many of the people we serve and some. Yet for the most part the people here seem so content with their circumstances. (Although I also finding from some people who visit that it is often used as a rationalistion or excuse. A person's contentment with a situation of poverty does not make it ok - a debate for another time)
Trying to figure all this out and where I am going wrong I was reminded of three things I have previously written in my journal;
1) Intimacy with Christ must be first. Without it mission is empty and self-serving. It becomes a chore and grinds you down. I have learnt that you can love mission more than you can love Jesus. Without intimacy with Jesus we have nothing to give away to others.

2) Relationships, relationships, relationships. Listening to others. One of the fundamental principles of TSAs Integrate Mission concept is listening and transfer. By building relationships, by sharing, by just listening we release ourselves from the compulsion to do in order to take time to be.

3) When Jesus sent out the disciples (Luke ch 9) although the commission was about others, you could argue that the disciples themselves were the mission field when he sent them out. Maybe this experiences is not just about others, it's also about me, my journey and my faith. Tolstoy once wrote; "Everyone wants to change the world, nobody wants to change themselves.

I don't want to survive the last 6 or 7 month here, I want to live them. I want to make a difference but I also want to be different.


Blogger Wilma said...

You are tired of so many things, but underneath are the everlasting arms, supporting you. I have already been praying for you before starting to write this note. I pray that you will be encouraged and will we more aware of His presence as you work for Him, now.
The picture of your family is beautiful, enjoy them, and keep trusting. Never forget God is faithful and rewards our faithfulness.Wilma Paterson

4:04 pm

Blogger Louise said...

Your pictures of Luke are making me broody. Considering everything that happened after Murray's birth 5 years ago I definitely haven't felt that way since before I fell pregnant with him. Need to stop reading here. Thinking of you in your time of tiredness. Lx

9:41 pm

Blogger John said...

Be encouraged Richard, you have been through some tough times, but better times are ahead. Our prayers are constantly with you and yours.

Be encouraged.

1:47 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Richard,

While I was at Chikankata I was so impressed at how you handled difficult situations. I have a lot of respect for you. Thanks for being so transparent in your blog. Keep up the great work and don't get weary of well doing. For in due time you will reap a wonderful harvest.

It looks like you are a proud papa. It was such a joy for me to be at Chikankata when Luke was born.

Hey, I have a friend who is interested in going on a medical missions trip. Is there a contact at Chikankata that she can start a dialog with?

I uploaded a 10 minute video of my trip over there. Check it out at

Say hi to Heidi and Damon for me!

9:51 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

9:52 pm

Blogger shunter said...

Hey big boy. Hardly a day passees when we don't think of you guys. Keep the pecker up old chap - Gods doing some good stuff with you guys. Thanks for being willing to do what He asks. He is faithful to His word. Cling to His promises.

Love to you all.

5:37 pm

Blogger Rochelle said...

Beautifully written words - thank you for sharing from your heart. I can totally empathize with so many of these thoughts/tensions. Your little man is so adorable! Love the family photo! Blessings...

12:08 pm


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